Hey guys!
I've had a busy few months since I last wrote in early December, so the next few posts will cover what we've been up to!
was amazing, it was busy at work with all the Christmas products going
on, but an enjoyable time to work in a chocolate shop, chocolate seems
to bring out the joy in most people. (Not everyone, it definitely still
has some of the pitfalls of retail.) But it was a fun time.
late December Ian and I managed to grab an evening together and we shot
down to the Vancouver Christmas Market, which we loved. When we arrived
there was a HUUUGE queue to get in, so we debated whether to wait in
the line or just not bother, but we opted to wait and the line moved
pretty quickly, so if you're considering going next year, don't let long
queues be a deterrent, it's amazing! On first glance its like being in a
winter wonderland, it was very pretty inside, and the German theme
definitely got us missing Europe. Once you get in you have to get a
wristband if you want to drink, but at the time I was on medication so
couldn't, so Ian got one, and we swiftly made our way to get him some
Mulled Wine and and I had non-alcoholic apple cider. Mine was delicious,
and started my new found love affair with hot apple cider, which you
can get in most coffee shops round here in the winter...so yummy! You
also get to keep the mug you drink from (we accidentally smashed one at a
later date, so now we only have one *sadface*.) We wandered around the
stalls, lots of food places that smelt incredible, a lovely candle shop,
and a really cool place that sold organic and fair trade products. It
was a great night out, and would highly recommend it for anyone next
year! It made everything feel mega christmassy!
Christmas Market! |
Also, we had our first dusting of snow. I LOVE snow and was incredibly excited!
Christmas rolled around, I worked Xmas Eve and Ian
worked Boxing Day so we only had the one day together, but it was
lovely. We had a quiet one, exchanged gifts, Skyped our respective
families, breakfasted on a holiday ham and bread, and made a traditional
christmas dinner together, then drank into the evening. It was odd to
have a Christmas without any family at all, I'll admit I got a bit teary
skyping home and seeing everyone having our normal Christmas at our
house. I got a bit homesick, but it was lovely to chat to everyone, and
see my niece and nephew.
Boxing Day was nuts, I had a
small wander around Downtown, and the sales were incredible, people all
over the place, running around with huge bags of purchases. I've never
seen so many people out and about all at the same time, the pavements
were just full! I wish I'd taken a picture to demonstrate how busy it
was. I only lasted an hour and headed for home, it was too hectic for
Following Christmas I had a few days back at work,
which were steady with our post Christmas sales (after a holiday our
seasonal products got to 50% off!) and then on the 29th I had the happy
task of picking my Dad up from the airport, as he had come for a 3 week

was so excited to see him, so I got up early and started tracking his
plane across the Atlantic and Canada on the internet. About an hour
before he was supposed to land we headed off to the airport, and got
there quite early.
I made him a sign so we couldn't
miss him... but somehow at arrivals he managed to creep around and sneak
up behind us. I still can't figure out how we missed him! But anyway,
he was safely collected and we scuttled off to the Skytrain to bring him
back to his hotel, which was literally one block away from our
Next post coming soon! Vancouver with my Dad!