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Monday, 28 July 2014

Raider Rachel Returns!


So. How to begin.

It's been awhile since I last posted, and I must say the last few months have been a whirl wind. So this is a quick update on my current whereabouts and a brief overview of our journeys the last few months. (With the intention that I will write several posts going into more detail.)

Basically, Ian and I are back in the UK!

We spent a lovely spring in Vancouver, I last posted in March when flowers and tree blossom was erupting beautifully all over the city and we were making the most of spending time with both the city and the friends we made there. We watched the St Patrick's Day Parade go down the street right outside our apartment and I took a lovely walk around the city to see the TED sculpture outside the convention centre (see last post for pictures!)

April was lovely, at work we were gearing up for Easter, Ian and I were making exciting travel plans, and I was generally getting excited, exercising and eating healthily, spending time with friends feeling very free and great about life.

I finished work on April 15th, and I was so upset about leaving. Saying goodbye was pretty rough, I loved my job, largely because of the fantastic people I was working with and I'm going to miss them incredibly. (If you're reading this I love you guys!) The last day was fantastic though, as I was allowed to help the chef make cookies, and I had a ball basically playing with chocolate. Handing over my key at the end though was horrible!

The following day was our 4 year anniversary. Crazy or what?? I can't believe we've been together so long, it feels like that time has gone in a blink of an eye. So that day we took the ferry to Vancouver Island and spent a few days there. (Incoming post on Victoria!)

We had a week back in Vancouver, had intended to visit Seattle but that fell through, but managed to cram in a trip to Whiterock, and just enjoyed spending time with our friends. (4/20 was interesting!)

Then we packed up our stuff, left our apartment for good and flew to Pittsburgh to visit my family, whom I hadn't seen since 2008 and introduced Ian to them. And with them we drove up to Niagra Falls and Toronto for a few days. We had an amazing visit with them (incoming posts) and it was hard saying goodbye after such a short time with them.

From there we flew back to Vancouver for one day (long story, annoying plane tickets!) and then spent a long, long journey travelling home. We landed back in the UK mid May, a few days short of my birthday, and now, here we are!

Two months down the line and I have finally managed to bag myself a job and tra la! I finally gave myself a moment to sit and write about the last few months. Now I have a week or so before I start work, I'm going to make sure I take the time to give my blog some much needed attention, so watch out soon for postings galore!

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